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How Professionals Can Grow with the “Accountability Effect”

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Oct 1, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Do you have people around who have permission to ask you really serious questions… and get an honest response If not, your blind spots as a leader will begin sabotaging your professional and personal life. (1)

Coral reefs contain some of the most amazing ecosystems on the planet. These aquatic habitats are home to a huge and diverse body of marine life. According to the World Wildlife Fund, the Great Barrier Reef contains more than two thousand varieties of sea creatures. The species in these ecosystems interact and respond to each other, as well as to their environment.

Some stick together (or remain stuck in place). Some use the power of multiplicity to achieve a common goal. Some rely on the products of other species for energy or building materials. Each type of creature relies on the important functions of others within the ecosystem to survive and thrive. I think you and I could learn a thing or two about thriving from an ecosystem like that!

Unlike these sea creatures, most people don’t experience accountability in the most important areas of their lives. In the book, Tribe of Millionaires, the authors introduce the Accountability Effect. The character, Terry, says, “Responsibility to others is the world’s most powerful force.” Why is that?

When you have a responsibility to others, you will find the motivation to push yourself toward your goals.

To find a community of goal-focused professionals who can help you find motivation through accountability, visit our website or apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.

Accountability for Your Benefit

You will always find people in your life who demand your time and attention and who have differing opinions. You don’t have to push them out of your life—some opposition can be healthy and cause you to think about other perspectives. But a cognisant person will decide how the presence of difficult people will affect their life. A wise person will learn how others affect them, and then use that knowledge for the benefit of all.

As you grow in leadership, you’ll find fewer people around you to hold you accountable. A supportive group may influence and encourage you, but no one else can do your work for you.

We naturally feel a sense of responsibility toward others, but many of us don’t have an awareness of how to make it work for us.

What will keep you motivated? What will cause you to strive for long-term goals? How will you keep up with those daily habits that shape a successful life? The people whom you’ve made commitments to, your family, your team, and all the people who’ve invested in your aspirations count on your commitments.

Mastermind group members challenge each other to consider new perspectives and to grow through their experiences. Why not join a group to give yourself the advantage of receiving encouraging feedback and accountability from like-minded leaders?

3 Steps To Find Accountability

If you want to see positive growth in your life and work, you need accountability. Here are some ways you can do that.

1. Find Accountability Partners

Whether it’s one individual or a group, find trustworthy people who can challenge you to stay focused and maintain good habits.

A good way to do this is to regularly meet with other leaders for the specific goal of challenging each other toward needed growth. You may also set up consistent accountability in your important relationships, such as with your spouse, your ministry, or your organizational leaders. Do you have people around who have permission to ask you really serious questions… and get an honest response? If not, your blind spots as a leader will begin sabotaging your professional and personal life.

Some professionals take this a step further by hiring a coach to help them think through their struggles and goals. Through coaching, they break down some of the largest problems in their life into individual baby steps… and even learn how to remain accountable to themselves.

2. Share Your Struggles & Celebrate Accomplishments

When you meet with these groups or individuals, be honest and open about the growth you want to see. Share your burdens with them. We’re meant to help each other bear the weight of life from time to time.

Failure can be the catalyst for improvement and innovation. Members of your group may have a suggestion you haven’t considered or cause you to consider a detail you have ignored, so don’t be afraid to admit your struggles. Flesh them out, and let the group help you see them with fresh perspectives.

When you meet a goal, celebrate with your people! They want to see you succeed. When was the last time you held a meeting or social gathering just to celebrate an important milestone in your professional life? If the answer’s longer than “two weeks ago,” then put something on the calendar!

3. Invite Feedback and Be Challenged

As you meet with accountability partners, you will naturally influence each other to become better versions of yourselves. But the best take it even further than that: let your accountability partners support you by digging deeper into matters you bring to them. Let them question your methods. Let them challenge your processes and assumptions.

Personally, I don’t make any big moves in my business until I’ve invited at least three people smarter than me to poke holes in my plan. I’ve learned from experience that there’s just too much I don’t know, to take risks without inviting critiques. Plus, it always feels better as a professional to identify failures before they happen instead of the other way around!

As you move toward greater accountability, you'll need other professionals who can partner with you to hold you to high standards in the most important areas of your life, health, and business. Reach out to us at our website and apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.


Topics: Accountability, Masterminds, Balance, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encourage, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, Execution, Trusted Advisor, Advice, Influence, Network, Authenticity, Vision, Mission, Vision Leader, Opposition, Obstacles, Legacy, Purpose, Value, Journey, Connections, Grit, Mindset, Pressure


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