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Go Farther Together...

Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind ... purpose driven, life-aligned businessmen, husbands, and fathers … banded together as trusted advisors, striving toward success and significance!


Do you find yourself...


Stuck, wondering how to effectively grow your business?

Alone, at the top of the leadership food chain?

Recognizing that you don’t know what you don’t know?

Desiring authentic, genuine relationships with peers?

No one to celebrate your hard-earned wins with?

Looking for others aligned with your values?


ISI Mastermind has an answer ...


ISI Mastermind will help you ...

Find your tribe

You don’t know what you don’t know … the right guys in your corner, challenging you, encouraging you, celebrating you. Helping you uncover options, execute faster, and multiplying your efforts.

Set your course

Identify and design the future you desire with the Come As You Will Be vision planner and other critical tools you need to make it a worthy journey. While other groups are business only, we understand the benefit of growing the whole man .... Personally, Spiritually, Relationally, Professionally, and Financially.

Find success & significance.

Utilize your weekly group calls, Man in the Middle deep dives, monthly focus topics, quarterly scorecards, bi-annual live events, and the entire ISI member network to propel you into a life lived that you have been longing for.

“The dynamics of the mastermind group with ten guys that get together on a weekly basis, being transparent, vulnerable with each other and really find out what’s going on with each other. Having those guys that know about my life and know what’s going on with me is just incredible. Anything that’s going on, I can come to them. They provide me with wise guidance, give me some feedback, and not pull any punches with me.” 

Curt Stowers
(Member since 2015)
President, F5 Financial Services Illinois


“I was 39 years old, married to for 17 years with 3 kids, and I didn’t know what I was going to do. I joined Iron Sharpens Iron mastermind in 2015 and my group of guys has become a brotherhood to me. And even today I don’t think my wife would let me leave the mastermind group even if I wanted to. She knows it’s a place I can show up every week and contribute but also a place where I have a like minded band of brothers around me where we can really challenge and grow together.” 

Scott Beebe
(Member since 2015)
Owner, Business on Purpose
South Carolina 


“I joined in 2019, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made … coming together with an inner circle of guys who hold me accountable and want to see me succeed. Transitioning from a career to owning my own business, I didn’t quite know how to do all the steps. The guys in my group gave me great advice and held me accountable for the vision I wanted to achieve in my company. I wouldn’t be nearly as successful if it wasn’t for my Iron Sharpens Iron mastermind group.”

Dan Dowdy
(Mastermind Alumni)
Owner, Built for the Trades Texas 


Get started with Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind.


ISI Membership

Weekly Group Video Calls
Accountability Check-in
Annual Live Events
ISI Member Network directory
 Growth Masterclasses
Actionable Planning Tools to Grow
Dedicated, Experienced Facilitator


Have a question? 

Talk with a Facilitator to learn more.